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Don't just take my word for it! 

Image by Jonathan Borba


I have been losing and finding weight for over 20 years - yes 20 years, imagine the money I have wasted each week paying to slimming clubs! I came across Lauren and I decided to reach out to her and ask for a bit of information. This was the best message I have ever sent, not only was she friendly and very informative she is a keto coach!


I shopped using all the information Lauren had sent me the day before and filled my cupboards with staple things that was going to get me through my 1st week! 


I carried on each day thinking this is bonkers! I'm using butter, double cream, frying bacon and eating lumps of cheese that would keep a door open. Then came weigh day, I stood reluctantly on the scales thinking if I have lost ANY weight I will be lucky. OMG! I had lost 7lbs! That was it I was sold!


Are there days that it doesn't work for you? Yes, of course we are all human and we have hiccups, but you will have Lauren there to help and guide you, after all she has your best interest at heart. 


I feel so much more energised and healthier. I sleep so much better and feel mentally more focused. The first thing I noticed was how clear my skin became! I even started to run again, completing the plan of C25K is an achievement in its self but for a 51 year old! I would never have thought about it before Keto, the encouragement I received from Lauren when I told her was out of this world. 


Keto is a way of life, you need to make some changes and commit to them if you want to see changes in yourself, the first step will always be the hardest but please don't worry because if you have chosen Lauren you have chosen the best. 


You can do it, you are worth it, commit to yourself!

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