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Keto coaching for a healthier, happier you

Forget everything you ever learnt about dieting and learn how to live life the keto way.


For all those just starting keto, the road to success can be a tough one, full of errors, setbacks and uncertainty. There may be a TON of information available online, and Google is your friend, but much of the information is so contradictory, if not just plain confusing, that it’s difficult to know what’s reliable or applicable to you. When you’ve spent your whole life thinking fat will kill you, keto can be difficult to wrap your head around. Then you start talking about macros, fasting, net or total carbs, supplements, good sweeteners vs bad sweeteners, and all the other myriad things that you encounter when investigating keto, you can see that things can feel overwhelming pretty fast.


One of the things I wish I had when I was making mistake after mistake when I started keto, was someone I could ask questions of, a trusted source of information who could answer specifically for me. Having access to a coach who can guide you to success, help you avoid pitfalls, keep you honest, and encourage you when you’re unsure of yourself is a huge advantage.


If you know that you will have to report to and answer to someone for what you do, you’re more likely to stay on track. Not only that, but having someone that you can contact when you’re feeling frustrated or confused that you can rely upon to keep you on track is a powerful tool to take advantage of. A keto coach will be that person, the one who can help keep you on track and hold you accountable for what you do.


A coach is someone who has “been there, done that,” and provides an example of what is possible if you stay the course. But to stay the course, you have to have a consistent, powerful reason. You have to be motivated every day, determined, and tenacious. That takes effort, and you can (and will) have days when you don’t feel it. That’s where a coach will make sure you are focused and motivated by reminding you why you want to get and stay healthy.


Real motivation isn’t about cliché sayings and memes. Real motivation is about you remembering your reasons for choosing the direction of your life. When you lose sight of that, a coach is invaluable for helping you remember. You can always lie to yourself or convince yourself that your actions are justified. But a coach who cares about your success won’t let any of that fly. A coach who cares is going to tell you, in no uncertain terms, that you’re wrong and you need to fix it. But a coach will also walk you through the fix, and not leave you to feel abandoned or alone.


Having someone who will absolutely, under all circumstances, be in your corner, fighting for you (even when you don’t feel like fighting), someone who will not let you get away with silliness or attempts to fool anyone, someone who is just as invested in your success as you are…well, that’s priceless. The mental game of getting healthy is far more important than any other aspect. But, let’s face reality, when it comes down to the nitty gritty, you need to know what kinds of foods to eat, when, and in what quantity. It’s beyond confusing for most people to figure this out on their own. Having a coach who has mastered the technical aspects will save you incredible amounts of time and frustration.


Not only that, but as you progress toward your goal, a coach will be able to guide your progress and adjustments. It’s just so much easier when you have an expert in your corner. A good coach can be that expert.

One of the primary jobs of a good coach is to help you realise your full potential. Remember, you can easily lie to yourself and convince yourself that you’re just not good enough, smart enough, or worthwhile enough to have success. But a coach isn’t going to let that happen, because a good coach is going to help you realise that you’re awesome, and the progress you make will reinforce that.


It really is an incredible feeling to have someone who believes in you and is relentless about letting you know that you are stronger than you think you are, that you’re worth the effort, and that you’re just plain awesome.




Carb Cutters LTD was formed in 2019 when I qualified as

an official Keto Coach. After losing a significant amount of

weight following a ketogenic lifestyle myself and discovering

the numerous benefits it had to offer, I just knew I wanted

to teach others how to become the happiest, healthiest

versions of themselves.

Meat and Cheese
Green Goodness




Keto Coaching 101 is my signature 8-week program that takes you from carb-fuelled

zero to keto hero. Break old habits, feel a surge of energy, lose weight, and feel better than you have ever felt while eating the most delicious, whole-food meals that have ever touched your taste buds.

For those that feel they know enough about keto to get going but need a little kick-start, my 'macros and meal plans' package will give you a personalised macronutrient breakdown, tailored to you. I will also prepare for you your very own 8-week meal plan including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks and drinks.

Want to learn more about our services? Contact us today.

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